Baby tracker, Pregnancy week by week for Android

Worked on a number of native Android apps for Amila.

Both apps were engineered in a similar way. Both apps were written in Java some time ago and then Kotlin was used for the new code. The data was stored with SQLite and there was a custom ORM mapping to work with the data in a more convenient way. The UI was Fragment based, layouts, configs and static data of the app were kept in XML resources, some standard and custom controls were used to make the features.

I was involved with the projects for a couple of months for fixing bugs and adding new features. I inspired the team to start using Kotlin, because at that time the stable version of Android Studio was shipped with fully integrated Kotlin support, so it was a time to give it a try and we were more productive writing Kotlin code instead of Java one. The team consisted of 3 developers with the product owner as the team lead.
